Collection: Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Vitafor and Vitafor Science, with electronic addresses: and are owned by Vida Forte Nutrientes Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Naturais Ltda, CNPJ 07.455.576/0001-92. We at Vitafor and Vitafor Science respect and preserve your privacy and security. This is a policy that ensures your data is not distributed to third parties, out of respect for you. Any personal information or material sent to this website is subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Privacy Policy contained on this website.

Preliminary considerations:
Data protection

For the purposes of the scope of this policy, as well as subsequent provisions, the following terms will be defined as:

(I) National Data Protection Authority or ANPD: refers to the public administration body responsible for ensuring, implementing and monitoring compliance with the LGPD throughout the national territory;
(II) Personal Data: refers to any information linked to an identified or identifiable natural person;
(III) Information Security Incident: refers to any adverse event, confirmed or suspected, related to the security of information systems, which causes, accidentally or illegally, the destruction, loss, alteration, access or acquisition not authorized, disclosure, misuse or access to Personal Data that is not encrypted, transmitted, stored or otherwise processed by the other Party;
(IV) Data Protection Laws: refers to all data protection and privacy laws that apply to the Parties involved herein, including, but not limited to, the Brazilian General Data Protection Law – “LGPD” ( Law No. 13,709/2018, as amended by Law No. 13,853/2019), the Marco Civil da Internet (Federal Law No. 12,965/14) and the Consumer Protection Code (Law No. 8,078/1990);
(V) Third party: refers to any person authorized to process personal data, on behalf of the parties, and may, depending on the context, be qualified as an operator, sub-operator or person in charge, belonging to Vitafor and Vitafor Science or companies in their group economic.

Other terms used here and not defined above, such as “data subject”, “operator”, “controller” and “processing”, have the meaning provided in Brazilian Data Protection Laws. Vitafor and Vitafor Science represent and warrant that: It will be based on the most up-to-date wording of the provisions of Data Protection Laws to protect Personal Data, including the implementation of procedures for storing, sharing and transferring personal data from Brazil to another country, ensuring an adequate level of protection of personal data; Maintain procedures to identify, resolve and eliminate information security incidents involving registered Personal Data;

You are fully responsible for any violations of Data Protection Laws, occurring through your sole fault or that of third parties under your responsibility, which may affect the processing of personal data from registrations made;
It will establish the appropriate criteria so that Vitafor and Vitafor Science only have access to the personal data necessary and sufficient for its processing;
It will provide all necessary assistance if the ANPD or the holders of personal data require confirmation regarding the compliance of the processing of such personal data with Data Protection Laws;
It will implement security, technical and administrative measures necessary to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, communication or dissemination or unauthorized access, in addition to ensuring that the environment (whether physical or virtual) ) used by it to process personal data is structured in such a way as to meet security requirements, standards of good governance practices and the general principles set out in Data Protection Laws;
It will provide assistance to the user, within the limits of the obligations provided for under the Data Protection Laws, related to responding to requests from holders of personal data in the regular exercise of their rights under the Data Protection Laws;
It will notify the User, within 72 (seventy-two) hours of becoming aware of the fact, about the occurrence of an information security incident that may cause significant risk or damage to the holders of personal data held by Vitafor and Vitafor Science;
It will provide all necessary assistance to the user if ANPD or holders of personal data require confirmation regarding the compliance of the processing of such personal data with Data Protection Laws, to the extent that such information is in the possession of Vitafor and Vitafor Science or its sub operators;
In the case of companies in the same economic group as Vitafor and Vitafor Science, a single person in charge of “data processing” is defined, regardless of whether this group is vertical or horizontal.

To ensure that access to your personal information is not made by unauthorized third parties, you must choose an access password. You can access the site through Facebook, Google or create an account with email and password. Your password is personal and non-transferable and you must keep it confidential.

In order for this data to remain intact, we expressly advise against disclosing your password to other people, even friends and relatives. In this case, “Vida Forte Nutrientes Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Naturais Ltda” is not responsible for the use of the password by the user or any third party to whom the user may become aware of such password.

Safe Internet
Data Encryption

Please be aware that every time you access any section of the website that asks you to identify yourself or provide information to Vitafor and Vitafor Science, the transfer of this data between your computer and the website is carried out through a secure connection that encrypts the information before be transferred over the internet.

Our entire structure is protected by servers and security systems (firewalls), hosted in a Datacenter, following strict international physical and logical security standards. All information and transactions that pass through our virtual stores are protected by standard SSL security protocol with strong 128-bit encryption, also certified by "Let`s Encrypt", one of the largest security certification companies in the digital world, specializing in security in the global virtual market.

Vitafor and Vitafor Science uses cookies and information from your navigation (browser session) with the aim of creating a profile of the public that visits the website and to always improve our services, products, content and guarantee the best offers and promotions for you ! Throughout this process, we keep your information strictly confidential. It is worth remembering that your data is recorded by Vitafor and Vitafor Science in an automated way, without human manipulation.

When you visit the Vitafor and Vitafor Science website, or any advertisement that appears thereon, or use one or more of the services offered by our websites, you may be using a technology that is used across all sites known as a "cookie". This technology stores some information on your computer, allowing us to offer you a personalized experience, according to your interests and preferences, or simply facilitating your connection to use our services.

Most browsers allow you to delete cookies from your computer's hard drive, block the acceptance of cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. However, if you block or delete your cookies, we may not be able to restore any preferences or personalizations you previously specified and your ability to personalize your online experience may be limited. If you wish, consult your browser's instructions or help screen for more information about these functions!

How we use your information
Vitafor and Vitafor Science will use, with prior authorization, the information you send us for marketing and product delivery purposes. In this way, you may receive direct mailings and emails containing information from Vitafor and Vitafor Science.

We are committed throughout your browsing process, accessing our content and purchasing through the website. Your registration data is not sold, exchanged, or disclosed to third parties, except when this information is necessary for the delivery, billing process or participation in promotions. Your personal data is essential for your order to arrive safely at the location indicated by you, in accordance with our delivery time.

The provision, by the user, of information to the website that will only be used to:
(I) to analyze your preferences and habits;
(II) to anticipate your needs, based on the analysis of your profile;
(III) to improve and personalize your experience on our websites and applications;
(IV) to ensure that the content of our websites and applications is optimized for you and your computer or device;
(V) to send you targeted advertising and content, and
(VI) to allow you to participate in interactive functions when you choose to do so.
The information received will be used to: get to know the user and send information of interest to them.

Remember that you can also choose not to receive these emails. Your information will also be used for statistics on your profile, allowing the development of products and services.

Vitafor and Vitafor Science will also not sell your personal information. Such information may, however, be grouped according to certain criteria and used by Vitafor and Vitafor Science as generic statistics, aiming to better understand the customer's profile.

Vitafor and Vitafor Science require that employees, partners and suppliers who have access to information sent through the website comply with this privacy policy.

Privacy Policy Modifications
Vitafor and Vitafor Science reserve the right to review and modify, at their sole discretion, the configuration of the domain and, as well as the Privacy Policy without prior notice to users from the website.

Users must, therefore, re-read this document periodically in order to check whether or not they agree with the provisions herein. All personal information relating to members, subscribers, customers or visitors who use Vitafor and Vitafor Science will be treated in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law of October 26, 1998 (Law No. 67/98).

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our customer service center
Customer Service Center page or via telephone 0800 771 3040 and or